How does yoga improve the quality of one’s intimate life?

Yoga has turned into an entirely chic type of development all over the planet nowadays, however, we don’t simply prescribe attempting it to stay aware of patterns. It has a bunch of unequivocal impacts on people that are fundamental for a solid life. It revives your body and psyche, and it additionally works on your […]

Benefits of pomegranate

Benefits of pomegranate Pomegranate juice is made from pomegranate fruit. It’s used in cooking both as a fresh juice and as a concentrated the state or quality of having an excess of tender feelings. Pomegranates can be stored in a refrigerator for up to 2 months. Pomegranate trees can be survive for over 200 years. […]

Food Allergy

Anorexia nervosa is an autoimmune reaction that occurs immediately after eating a certain food. Even a small amount of food that causes allergies can cause symptoms and signs such as digestive problems, constipation or inflammation of the respiratory tract. For some people, anorexia can cause severe symptoms or even a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. Cow’s […]

Food Ethics

Food Ethics refers  with the ethical results of the food picks, both those made with the aid of humans and animals. Ethical consuming is a type of moral consumerium. Food ethics is a form of enquiry or vital reflection on moral questions implemented to food. Food ethics permit us to define our values and principles, […]


Breakfast is the first meal of day and literally means to ‘break the fast’. After having not eaten for last 8 to 12 hours, it is essential to refuel glucose level of body to boost up energy level to start off the day well. Good breakfast also helps to add essential nutrients to diet. Why […]


Nourishing meals aren’t found solely within the high-ticket foreign canned food as many of us assume. There area unit variety of domestically grownup food stuff that simply meet the body’s nutritionary desires. The necessary factor is to possess the correct combination of those foods altogether meals. deficiency disease is delineate because the over or below […]

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Fruits рlаy а major role in maintaining а bаlаnсed diet. They рrоvide many mасrо- and micronutrients, as well as biоасtive соmроunds that рrоmоte  health.  Роmegrаnаte is the well-established fruit of а shrub (Рuniса granum  L) that is cultivated раrtiсulаrly in West Аsiа and the Mediterranean region, as well as in other раrts of the world, […]

6 Ways to Make the Holiday Season More Enjoyable While Staying Sober

The holiday season is here and with it comes a full calendar booked with celebrations set to the soundtrack of cheers, laughter and clinking glasses. But enjoying the season doesn’t have to come with sacrificing your health or feeling hungover into the New Year. Follow these six ways to have an even more enjoyable holiday […]

14 super foods that will change your life

14 super foods that will change your life Whenever we sit down to eat, we are making a choice between life and death. It sounds scary at first, but it is also a choice that changes the timeline of life and health. Whether you are 22 or 62 years old, when you choose to enjoy your next […]

Losing weight without muscle loss

Losing weight without muscle loss is not a matter of course. When you start losing weight, your body prefers to preserve your fats for times of need. The body would much rather reduce your muscle mass because it is energetically very precious. How do you ensure that the body will still burn your excess fat and not your […]