Breakfast is the first meal of day and literally means to ‘break the fast’. After having not eaten for last 8 to 12 hours, it is essential to refuel glucose level of body to boost up energy level to start off the day well. Good breakfast also helps to add essential nutrients to diet.

Why breakfast is so important?

Breakfast prevents huge fluctuations in blood glucose level of the body. Breakfast improves memory, concentration power, tests scores, problem solving ability and mood of children. Research shows a connection between healthier body weights and eating foods like ready-to-eat cereal, fat free or low fat milk and its products. Breakfast foods such as oatmeal, high protein milk products and eggs give feeling of fullness. Breakfast builds better bodies. A wholesome breakfast provides nutrients essential for healthy bones. Risk of diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular diseases are lessen if healthy breakfast is eaten.

Despite all the benefits of breakfast some people also skip breakfast. To cut up calories and lose weight people skip breakfast that is the bad thing. Kids and adults who skip breakfast have higher blood cholesterol level that leads to cardiovascular diseases. People with lower physical activity and older females mostly skip breakfast. Teenagers who eat breakfast every morning had lower body mass index (BMI); body fat measurement based on weight and height. If breakfast is not eaten in the morning and snacks are eaten in lunch cause increase in weight.

Choices for healthy breakfast:

Carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for brain. Carbohydrates are digested quicklyLook for milk, whole grains, fruits and vegetables in breakfast. Low fat protein shake with fresh or frozen fruit may choose. Read labels carefully on any processed breakfast selections if they are healthy choices. In case of protein bars and few yoghurts may be some contain added sugars.  Porridge made from rolled oats should preferred. Parents have to encourage their children to eat breakfast so that they can fully concentrate in their school. Healthy breakfast should eaten as it regulates our metabolism and fibers if taken improve digestion.

Written by: IQRA FATIMA

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